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Myanmar Prayer Diary

Myanmar Update

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Diary from one of our partners

Baptist Children’s Home

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to let us know you are praying. linda@bch-inc.org.

Linda Brooks, President

See the March updates here


April 1: Today is another terrible day for K. District, especially for C. Christians. They invaded about 20 villages and shot the people, and this afternoon the villagers fled to forests and hills nearby for safety. People who could not flee are arrested and tortured. Three civilians were shot dead. The civilians are helpless. Many old people and children also fled, but some could not flee. The terrorists killed the villager's animals and destroyed houses and whatsoever they could.

More relief help is needed for them. How pitiful they are!!

The same thing happened in other parts of Myanmar also, but I could not mention it all.

We do appreciate your love, concern, and prayers.

April 8: May I share with you an update:

Yesterday morning: from 5:00 am, shooting civilians started until 2:00 pm in Tahan – Kale town. Civilians fled to rural areas, forests, and mountains. Many fled to Mizoram State and The Manipur State of India. It is a heartbreaking event that 13 civilians were shot dead, and 18 were arrested. Many were badly injured.

Today, I heard that in Chin State and Kachin State, four pastors were arrested without any reason.

Many different towns, and cities, in the night “they” forcefully entered into houses and arrested people. Civilians are scared in the night.

Private Banks are still closed, 99.5% of businesses are gone. The country has gone backward very far within two months.

People’s hearts are down, it seems like no hope.

Thanks for your whole-hearted prayer for the country. I am confident that God is working in His way.

 Bro T

April 12: Let me share with you our Urgent Plan for Our Hope Children Home Moving.

Because of the Military Coup's Persecution, we thought that it will be wise to move our Hope Children Home location as soon as possible. From the present Hope Children Homebuilding, our children see soldiers' activities every day, psychologically they have been hurt, they are full of fear, and so the Board decided to sell a piece of land of 60 feet by 40 feet, and build new buildings in our paddy field which is a little bit outside of the city of (redacted). There is a Christian lady who is ready to buy that piece of land. In our paddy field, we need to build two simple buildings: one for a boys' dorm, and one for a girls' dorm; between the two, there will be a kitchen and dining hall. The benefits of moving to that new field are:

  • Children can rear pigs, chickens, and goats for self-support.

  • Children can plant vegetables for themselves.

  • Children can plant flowers for sale.

  • Children will not see soldiers anymore, and their injured hearts will be healed.

  • There is a high school not too far from that field. When the political upheaval is calm, when the school is opened, children can go to that school up to 10th grade.

Since Hope Children Home is a faith ministry, prayer is our instrument. We have started praying for the $ 10000.00 needed funds for a boys' dorm, and so I would like to challenge you to pray with us for that project. Because of the situation and circumstances, we will begin the construction work tomorrow. God is able and we believe in prayer.

Yours in His vineyard,

Bro T

April 19: I believe that your family and you are well. Physically we are also well by God’s grace. As for Myanmar, the situation is getting worse day after day. The National Unity Government has been formed, and the military coup hates and opposes it severely. There is roaming that the National Defense Force is going to be formed soon, and then the Federal Army. War has been going on in the North (Kachin State), between Kachin Independent Army and Military Coup, and in the East between Karen National Union and Military Coup. Besides, there are civil forces in different towns and cities. In that way, killing, shooting, fighting happens nonstop. Demonstrators are also seen every day in different places.

In the night, houses are broken and people are arrested and sent to jail. No one knows who will be arrested. At night, we have no sound sleep. Even in the daytime, people who are driving motorbikes are arrested, but not all; people who are driving are stopped and checked and arrested, but not all. Mobile phones are checked and arrested, but not all. No peace at all, traveling in the daytime also. People who are walking are arrested and take away, but not all. It is like a night dream, but it is real.

One of our missionaries was chased to arrest, he runs away to the forest with other young people. We could not contact him for a week. One of the Chin church buildings is robbed and took away offering and tithe, and another church building is shot. Two missionaries came back to Yangon because the whole villagers fled to the forest and the other side of the country

Prices have gone up high. Life is more difficult day by day. It is a great challenge for pastors, missionaries. Our heart is injured, and mind is disrupted.  Preaching and teaching ministry cannot be done without disruption. Some townships such as Hlaingtharyar are under martial law which means no law at all. People can be tortured and treated as they wish. No more than 5 people can be assembled. Life is in danger every day. How long it will be like that? I am confident that nothing can happen without the permissive will of God. We rest in God by faith. Thanks for your prayers.

 Yours in His service,


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Dear Friends,

Thank you for your continued prayer for Myanmar. Below is yet another difficult update on our partners in Myanmar. I just returned from a vacation and read the serious emails from Brother T. Please know that, at this time, we are still able to send funds to Myanmar via our contact. We can send more special funds to our partners to provide food for some of the 80,000 people who are displaced in the forest. The need seems overwhelming. God knows, and we trust that Christians all over the world will join together in helping with these great needs. Praying for peace and safety in Myanmar.


Joseph and the children

In addition to the coup that continues to ravage Myanmar, COVID is also now an issue. Previously no one was tested for COVID. That seems to no longer be the case. Monday there were 100 new cases, and a pregnant woman from Joseph’s hometown died. The townspeople are not using masks, and Joseph is very concerned about this.

The military has re-opened the schools on June 1. However, due to bombs “fired everywhere, in every town” and poor COVID control, Joseph is not sending our children to school.

I asked Joseph for a list of prayer requests for the ministry. He listed the following:

  • Peace and justice for Myanmar and its leaders

  • Education for Myanmar children. Joseph is teaching the children English Grammar. Some of the girls are learning piano. The children are memorizing the book of Proverbs! Joseph and his wife and I are together memorizing Proverbs chapter 3. Let me know if you would like to join us!

  • Most of the people in Myanmar will face financial difficulties because of no employment. The factories and companies are not able to conduct business.

  • Christians need a special grace from God to spread the Gospel message to their neighbors who are unbelievers.

  • God’s special protection from the disease because the hospitals are closed. 90% of the physicians are engaged in CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement)

  • They are thankful to be in the Safe House. Joseph calls it a “Miracle that God Supplied.”

Grace and the children

The situation in our Grace home remains the same. Bombs are going off constantly. An additional prayer request is for Grace herself. For a few weeks, she has struggled with vertigo and neck pain which is keeping her quite limited. She went to the doctor yesterday and received some medications. Hopefully, they will help. I am concerned that she may need more treatment than just medication.

“T” and the children

T has updated his diary. The conditions in Myanmar are desperate and the treatment is brutal. The diary is difficult to read.

May 29:

Dear Brethren,

Just now a Pastor called me from the forest (Mindat district) and told me that they left the town and went to a small village due to a severe shooting. At that small village, about 350 people are gathering as a refugee. Since they have been there for two weeks, no more food for all of them. From our Emergency Fund and discretion fund, we decided to buy rice bags for the equivalent $ 2000.00 cost and sent them to near Mindat town where they can come and carry them. We plan to do it next week. The fighting happens everywhere, however, right now refugees are more from Southern Chin State, Kaya State, Kachin State, and Karen State.

Bomb explosion, gun shooting, house burning happen everywhere. The situation is never calming down.

Thanks for your help in everything.

Bro T

Myanmar Military

Myanmar Bombers