Our Deepest Need

Three years ago a young man on his way to nowhere fast walked into the office of Baptist Children’s Home in St. Louis, MI.  During my interview with him, he and his mom shared his life story which was filled with what many would term as misfortune and hardship. He was born in a refugee camp in West Africa, where living conditions were difficult and opportunities were few.  When he was six, he was diagnosed with leukemia— another misfortune? A life possibly ending much too early?  No, simply a Sovereign God directing the steps of an individual He would one day call a son.

Jerry and his mother came to the United States as refugees, where he was able to get the life-saving treatment he needed. However, his health, the treatment, and move placed Jerry’s education on hold. When he returned to school he was two years behind his peers.  During the coming years, he grew frustrated and his motivation waned. By the time he was a Sophomore in high school, he had given up. He was without hope and his mom was desperate to find him help.

Jerry at his high school graduation with his former houseparents Jake & Tracy

Jerry at his high school graduation with his former houseparents Jake & Tracy

Jerry had no idea what he needed, but God was continuing to guide his every step. This led him to live at Baptist Children’s Home. While here,  Jerry had his struggles with new rules and new structure in his life, but he chose to work hard at building relationships and learning a new way of life.  We asked him to read his Bible, and he did so diligently.  We encouraged him to memorize Scripture with the family, and he did so willingly.  We asked him to put time into his academics, and he did so gratefully.  Yet Jerry’s deepest need was not met.  In June of his first summer at BCH, Jerry had the opportunity to enjoy a week at Lake Ann Camp, thanks to your generosity. When Jerry returned from camp, he left no doubt that his true need had been met. He rushed through the door of his group home to find his houseparents and proclaim to them, “I got saved!!”

JERRY GOT SAVED!!!!! And his life has been changed forever.  What a privilege it has been for us to be used as tools in God’s hand to reach into the lives of hundreds of young people like Jerry. 

Because of people like you, individual lives and generations to come have been impacted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The funds are used to provide homes, vans, meals, help with college expenses, and more. 

With Love,


Jeff Oswald, Michigan Director

P.S. My family and I are excited that Jerry will be joining us for his Christmas break from college!

P.P.S.  Your generous gift will make a difference for generations to come. Thank you!


Happy Valentine's Day


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