About our Name Change!

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey of serving and nurturing children and families. As of April 1, 2024, we have transitioned to a new name that better reflects our mission and values: Bringing Children Hope, In the Name of Christ.  Our commitment to providing a caring and supportive environment, based on our biblical foundation for children and families, remains unwavering.  

Additionally, we are not changing our Statement of Faith, our convictions, or our dedication to caring for children in the name of Christ. Those qualities are central to who we are as a ministry, and we will never step away from them for any reason. We still have the legal right to the name Baptist Children’s Home and are able to use that name for donations and church support.

With this new name we want to convey our dedication to bringing hope to every vulnerable child and family we serve. As Bringing Children Hope, we are rooted in the power of the Gospel and the love, compassion, and hope that our God richly provides. This “hope” is the hope of the Gospel and the hope of a brighter future for a child and family. It is our desire that, according to Isaiah 40:31, the children and families we help will be able to renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles.

 We are deeply grateful for the trust and support you have shown us over the years, and we are excited about the opportunities that are ahead with our new name. Together, let’s continue to impact children and families in our communities and across the globe. We serve children in some very dangerous places. They desperately need the hope of the Gospel and the safety and care that we provide. At Bringing Children Hope we want to impact lives for eternity in the name of Christ. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

The BCH Board