“Sure, what’s one more?”

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Thank you for your part in helping so many children and families. This year July marks 36 years of serving at Baptist Children’s Home. I’ve seen so many hurting families come through our doors, and it is such blessing knowing they turned to Baptist Children’s Home for help.

I have the privilege of working closely with our Safe Families for Children ministry. Volunteer families from our churches here in Indiana have opened their homes and lives to help children in need. At the beginning of June, a mom called. She had been evicted and had no job. She needed a safe place for her little guy to stay while she worked at finding a job and a place to live. When I called Annie and Keith about taking Kenny in, their comment was, “Sure, what’s one more?”

While visiting this week, Annie shared that friends in the church ask her how she does it? “Only by the grace of God,” was her answer. Their church family has been such as blessing to them. They scoop Kenny up when they arrive at church and someone is always gracious to help. A family in their church also became a Safe Family so they could help give a little break. Kenny already knows them and their children. What a blessing this is to everyone.

 You are a part of this ministry. It’s very true for all of us, “Only by the grace of God,” does any of this happen. Helping families in urgent situations such as a medical emergency, homelessness or simply because there is no one else to help is an incredible blessing. You personally might not see who you are helping, but, I assure you, you are part of a much bigger picture and we THANK YOU



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